Vehicle TPMS look-up


TPMS Desktop

TPMS Desktop is free PC software that is the easiest way to update and manage the entire range of Bartec TPMS tools. This unique software can receive and store your tool data, and produce easy to read reports that effectively communicate the need for your customers to spend money with you. It also serves as a reference source for technical information about the TPMS sensors, and the relearn procedures required to repair vehicles as quickly and reliably as possible. With industry leading coverage and accuracy, you can’t buy this elsewhere – and it’s free from Bartec TPMS!

Software Version

The best way to Own the Wheel Well is to keep your TPMS Tool current and up to date. No one delivers more tool updates than Bartec TPMS!

Changing vehicles, changing sensors, and changing OBDII protocols make keeping your tool current a critical part of your businesses standard operating procedure.

April 2024 Software Version Release R67.0/R7.0 Now Available

Tool Software Release R67.0/R7.0 adds loads of model year 2024 coverage, more OBD-II coverage and increases placard programming capacity. Bartec TPMS is consistently making our tools better and more valuable with each software release.

NOTE: Bartec TPMS remains committed to maintaining sensor coverage on major aftermarket sensors.

R63.2 Software Update

Software Versions and Attributes

Software Release Version Date Launched Tools Covered Key Features
R67.0/R7.0 April 2024 67.0 Tech300Pro/Pro C, Tech400Pro and Tech500 / 7.0 Tech450Pro, Tech550Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added Support for Sensor and OBD vehicle coverage
  • Increased coverage for RITE-SENSOR® on all tool types.
  • Increased OBD Coverage for Chevrolet, Ford, Kia, Lexus and More.
  • Increased Placard for Chevrolet, Ford and more.
  • Enhanced Diagnostic Trouble Code view and added Failure Type Byte support.
  • Updated coverage for Ez-Sensor®, UVS Sensor® and Redi-Sensor®.
R66.0/R6.0 September 2023 66.0 Tech300Pro/Pro C, Tech400Pro and Tech500 / 6.0 Tech450Pro, Tech550Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added Support for Sensor and OBD vehicle coverage
  • Added coverage for RS-2000®
  • Added preventative measures to ensure correct sensor usage
  • Ability to use B-9075 as a B-9100
  • Added Placard for Chevrolet, Ford, Ram and More
  • Updated coverage for Ez Sensor®, UVS Sensor® and Redi Sensor®
R65.2/R5.2 July 2023 65.2 Tech500, Tech300Pro/Pro C, and Tech400Pro / 5.2 Tech450Pro, Tech550Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added Support for Sensor and OBD vehicle coverage
  • Tool displays when the vehicle battery is too low
  • Added OBD Support on the 2002-2006 Lexus SC430
  • Updated coverage to four BMW Models
  • Corrected OBD Coverage for Dodge, Kia, Land Rover and More
  • Updated coverage for Ez Sensor®, UVS Sensor® and Redi Sensor®
R65.1/R5.1 March 2023 Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, Tech400PRO, TechRITEPro, Tech450, Tech550 and 600PRO
  • RITE-SENSOR® Coverage added to Audi, GM and More
  • Added Support for Model Year 2023 Vehicles
  • Bartec has added an improved TPMS Audit View to show more data on initial reads
  • Added Support for Canoo Vehicles
  • Added Support for the Ford F-Series Trailer
  • Added TPMS Support on the 2002-2006 Lexus SC430
  • Added Placard Support for Jeep and Ram
  • Added Placard Support for the Escape, E-Series and F-Series
  • Added Placard Support for the Silverado and Sierra
  • Now in Data view the Hex and Decimal TPMS IDs can be viewed together
  • Added OBD COMMs support of Ford, Lexus and More
  • Updated coverage for Ez Sensor®, UVS Sensor® and Redi Sensor®
R65.0/R5.0 December 2022 65.0 Tech500, Tech300Pro/Pro C, and Tech400Pro / 5.0 Tech450Pro, Tech550Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Bluetooth® technology is now being introduced to new vehicles. As a response to vehicle development Bartec has introduced the RS-3000® for Bluetooth® TPMS
  • Increased MMY 2022 Coverage
  • RITE-SENSOR® Coverage added to Audi, GM and More
  • Added RS-3000® Coverage for Bluetooth Vehicle
  • Added Coverage for Bluetooth TPMS Vehicles.
R64.0/R4.0 August 2022 64.0 Tech500, Tech300Pro/Pro C, and Tech400Pro / 4.0 Tech450Pro, Tech550Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added support for Model Year 2022 Vehicles
  • RITE-SENSOR® Coverage added to Hyundai and Kia Vehicles
  • Tool will automatically clear enough storage for software updates
  • Updated coverage for Ez Sensor and UVS Sensor
63.3/3.3 March 2022 Tech500, Tech300Pro/Pro C, and Tech400Pro / 3.3 Tech450Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added support for Model Year 2022 Vehicles
  • RITE-SENSOR® Coverage added to Hyundai and Kia Vehicles
  • Tool will automatically clear enough storage for software updates
  • Updated coverage for Ez Sensor and UVS Sensor
63.2/3.2 November 2021 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300Pro/Pro C, and Tech400Pro / 3.2 Tech450Pro, Tech600Pro and TechRITEPro
  • Added support for Model Year 2022 Vehicles
  • RITE-SENSOR® Coverage added to Toyota and Dodge vehicles
  • OBD Communications added for BMW X3
  • Sensor Correction on 2021-2022 Buick Envision
  • Updated coverage for Alligator, Schrader (Sensata), Dill and UVS Sensors
63.1/3.1 September 2021 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, Tech400PRO and Tech450/600PRO/TechRITEPro
  • Model Year 2022 Coverage Update
  • Extended Toyota DTC Reads
  • Copy IDs from Stored Data
  • REDI-SENSOR unlock for V6 added; updated menu options
  • Removed Steelman Select Sensor
63.0/2.2 March 2021 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO & Tech450PRO and Tech600PRO
  • Model Year 2021 Coverage Update
  • Added RITE-SENSOR® Coverage
  • Added Nissan OBD COMMS
  • Added Land Rover OBD COMMS
  • Added Ford OBD COMMS
  • Improved Mitsubishi Relearn Process
  • Corrected GM Coverage
  • Extended Programable Sensor Coverage
  • Removed John Dow DVT Sensor
  • Removed Revolution Supply PDQ Sensor
62.3 November 2020 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Model Year 2021 Coverage Update
  • Ford/Lincoln Placard Coverage
  • Ford OBD Coverage
  • GM Coverage
  • Mercedes OBD Coverage
  • Added HUF dual frequency sensor
62.2 July 2020 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • EZ-Go
  • COMMS Coverage
62.0 April 2020 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • RITE-SENSOR® Nissan TFA Coverage
  • Updated LF Management
  • Tool Battery Management
  • Mac Address
  • Redi Sensor V5
  • Updated COMMS Coverage
  • Updated Sensor Coverage
61.0 January 2020 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • RiteSync®
  • RiteSensor® Diagnostics
  • RiteSensor® Coverage
  • RITE Identifier
  • Tool Battery Management
60.1 October 2019 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Service Kits Updated
60.0 September 2019 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Bartec RiteSensor®
  • VINdicate Coverage
  • MY Update
59.0 February 2019 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • OBD Relearn Coverage
  • Placard Coverage
  • VINdicate Coverage
  • Dill 5002
58.2 February 2019 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Hyundai COMMS
  • MMY Coverage
  • Revolution PDQ WAL
  • Huf Coverage
  • JohnDow Coverage
58.1 November 2018 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Subaru COMMS
  • Toyota COMMS
58.0 October 2018 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • HMI 3.0
  • VINdicate
  • Dually Supported
  • Improved tool speed
  • Placard Coverage
57.1 January 2018 Tech400SD, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Added Placard Coverage
  • Coverage Updates for MY2018
  • COMMS updates for Toyota, Kia, Mitsubishi
  • Added new sensor coverage 433 Ford PAL
57.0 November 2017 Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Added Placard Coverage
  • AMP QWIK sensor programming
  • MY2018
  • REDI sensor 7003A unlock
  • OBD COMMS Mercedes GLA
  • Updated coverage Huf
  • Updated coverage EZ-sensor
56.2 June 2017 Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Last update for WR450 400Plus tools
  • Added Placard Coverage
  • OBD Relearn Mitsubishi Mirage
  • OBD Relearn Jaguar
  • OBD Relearn Land Rover
  • OBD Relearn Infiniti
  • Relearn support Chevrolet Bolt
  • Clear DTC added to Chrysler OBD Relearn
  • Dill Trailer Kit sensor supported added
  • John Dow DVT Dynamic Pro-Select Added
56.1 May 2017 Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Update Dill OE replacement part numbers
  • Update Dill REDI sensor replacement part number
56.0 April 2017 Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Placard Coverage
  • OBD Relearn Jeep
  • OBD Relearn Kia
  • EZ-sensor coverage
  • Sens-it coverage
  • 2017 Subaru COMMS
55.1 March 2017 Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Improved Huf Programming on 433MHz (Bug Fix)
55.0 February 2017 Tech400SD, Tech400Plus, Tech500, Tech300PRO, Tech300PROC, and Tech400PRO
  • Last update to Tech400
  • Improved Placard Change coverage
  • MY2017 Coverage
  • OBD COMMS Hyundai, Nissan, Kia
  • Improved BT menu on tools
  • EZ-sensor coverage
  • JS Steelman coverage
  • Bonus OBDII coverage
54.2 September 2016 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Ford Placard
  • DVT Correction
54.1 July 2016 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Improved UHF
  • Huf coverage
  • COMMS update
  • EZ Sensor Coverage
54.0 June 2016 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Mode Changing: TRW
  • Mode Changing: Conti
  • Haptic Feedback
  • EZ sensor Coverage
  • Wi-Fi logs
  • Coverage
  • Battery Icon
  • Improved Sensor coverage (dill,huf)
53.6 March 2016 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Patch Fix for sensor
53.2 September 2015 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • More Placard
  • More Ford TBYT
  • MY16
  • Steelman Select Sensor Programming
  • Aveo OBD Assisted Relearn
53.1 July 2015 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500, PRO SERIES
  • Schrader 33500
  • Huf 3000 Intellisens
  • 1st PRO SERIES Release
53.0 June 2015 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500
  • Wi-Fi T500
  • Placard Change
  • Bluetooth Printer
  • Ford TBYT
  • MY-15/16
  • Huf 400Plus
52.2 February 2015 Tech500
  • Bug Fix
  • REDI Sensor Decode
  • French Language Issues
52.1 February 2015 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD
  • Bug Fix
  • Toyota LF Activation Issues
  • Redi Sensor Decode
52.0 February 2014 Tech400, Tech400Plus, Tech400SD, Tech500
  • Suzuki OBDII Assisted
  • Contact Point Programmable sensors
  • TIA Inside




Download TPMS Desktop


Features of the TPMS Desktop include

  • Reports - Complete job reports recorded and stored for when you need them
  • Update - Automatically retrieve update files from your current registered account
  • Vehicle List - Efficiently manage multiple vehicles through the diagnostic and repair process
  • Settings - Configure your settings for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi configuration

Software & Coverage Updates

TPMS Desktop is the easiest way to update all of your Bartec tools without logging in to the tool registration website. TPMS Desktop is required to update your Bartec TPMS Tools, simply put your tool into update mode from its menus, connect your tool using a USB cable, and then click on the Updates tab.

In the Connected Tools section at the bottom of the page you will see your tool, and there are three options:

  • Update - this will only be available to click if a later version is available to install
  • Recover Software - this will reinstall the current version, if you think that you have any problems with your tool
  • Register - you need to register your tool once in order to use the updates service

Click on Update, the software will be automatically downloaded to your tool, and it will be ready to use.

Register and update your Bartec Tool with the latest software and coverage today! TPMS Desktop is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to update your tool. Simply connect your tool to a PC with TPMS Desktop, click Update and you’re done.


Search, view and print job reports. This preformatted and detailed record contains the necessary job information that you and your customers need! Sort or filter reports by date, make, model and year. Simply print a report and attach it to the invoice as proof of work completed. Use reports to create customer receipts and limit liability.

Manage vehicles and tools with ease! Quickly identify and locate tire pressure problems, track repairs and manage all of your vehicles with TPMS Desktop.

NEW: Garage/Tire shop display screen functionality enables the technician to show the customer their vehicle readings on a TV or monitor in the garage or waiting room. Gives the customer more confidence and sells more tires.

Vehicle List

Browse our extensive vehicle and sensor database! Search by make, model and year to quickly find the data you need: OBD location, TPMS relearn, sensor information - it’s all there with TPMS Desktop! Plus, the database is regularly updated.

System Settings

Configure the TPMS Desktop application to meet your tire shop’s needs. Do you want to connect with Bluetooth? No problem! Connectivity is just a few clicks away with TPMS Desktop.

End-User License Agreement ("Agreement")

Last updated: April 7, 2022

Please read this End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") carefully before using TPMS Desktop ("Application").

By using the Application, you (the Licensee, either an individual or a single entity) are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

This Agreement is a legal agreement between the Licensee and Bartec USA LLC (the Licensor) and it governs your use of the Application made available to you by the Licensor.

If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not click on the "Accept" button and do not use the Application.

The Application is licensed, not sold, to you by the Licensor for use strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


The Licensor grants the Licensee a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use the Application strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


The Licensee agree not to, and will not permit others to:

Intellectual Property

The Application, including without limitation all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of the Licensor.

Your Suggestions

Any feedback, comments, ideas, improvements, or suggestions (collectively, "Suggestions") provided by the Licensee to the Licensor with respect to the Application shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Licensor.

The Licensor shall be free to use, copy, modify, publish, or redistribute the Suggestions for any purpose and in any way without any credit or any compensation to the Licensee.

Modifications to Application

The Licensor reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Application or any service to which it connects, with or without notice and without liability to the Licensee.

Updates to Application

The Licensor may from time to time provide enhancements or improvements to the features/functionality of the Application, which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other modifications ("Updates").

Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the Application. The Licensee agree that the Licensor has no obligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to provide or enable any particular features and/or functionalities of the Application to the Licensee.

The Licensee further agrees that all Updates will be (i) deemed to constitute an integral part of the Application, and (ii) subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Third-Party Services

The Application may display, include or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications and other products services) or provide links to third-party websites or services ("Third-Party Services").

The Licensee acknowledge and agree that the Licensor shall not be responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect thereof. The Licensor does not assume and shall not have any liability or responsibility to the Licensee or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Services.

Third-Party Services and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to the Licensee and the Licensee accesses and uses them entirely at their own risk and subject to such third parties' terms and conditions.

Privacy Policy

The Licensor collects and uses technical data and related information, including, but not limited to, hand-tool use, service measurements and system logs. The Licensor may use this information to improve its products, technical support or to provide services or technologies to the Licensee. This information will not be in a form that personally identifies the Licensee or the Licensee’s customers.

Furthermore, the Licensor collects, stores, maintains, and shares information about the Licensee in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which is available at By accepting this Agreement, the Licensee acknowledge that they hereby agree and consent also to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the Licensee or the Licensor.

The Licensor may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any or no reason, suspend or terminate this Agreement with or without prior notice.

This Agreement will terminate immediately, without prior notice from the Licensor, in the event that the Licensee fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. The Licensee may also terminate this Agreement by deleting the Application and all copies thereof from their mobile device or computer.

Upon termination of this Agreement, the Licensee shall cease all use of the Application and delete all copies of the Application from their mobile device or computer.

Termination of this Agreement will not limit any of the Licensor's rights or remedies at law or in equity in case of breach by the Licensee (during the term of this Agreement) of any of their obligations under the present Agreement.


The Licensee agree to indemnify and hold the Licensor and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors (if any) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, due to or arising out of their: (a) use of the Application; (b) violation of this Agreement or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any right of a third party.

No Warranties

The Application is provided to the Licensee "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, the Licensor, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the Application, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, the Licensor provides no warranty or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the Application will meet the Licensee’s requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.

Without limiting the foregoing, neither the Licensor nor any Licensor's provider makes any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the Application, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the Application will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the Application; or (iv) that the Application, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of the Licensor are free of viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of or limitations on implied warranties or the limitations on the applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to the Licensee.

Limitation of Liability

Notwithstanding any damages that the Licensee might incur, the entire liability of the Licensor and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Agreement and the Licensee’s exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the Licensee for the Application.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Licensor or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, for loss of data or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, for loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Application, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the Application, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Agreement), even if the Licensor or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.

Some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to the Licensee.


If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.


Except as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Agreement shall not affect a party's ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall be the waiver of a breach constitute waiver of any subsequent breach.

Amendments to this Agreement

The Licensor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days' notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our Application after any revisions become effective, the Licensee agree to be bound by the revised terms. If the Licensee does not agree to the new terms, you are no longer authorized to use the Application.

Governing Law

The laws of United Kingdom, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Agreement and the Licensee’s use of the Application. The Licensee’s use of the Application may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

Contact Information

If the Licensee has any questions about this Agreement, please contact us.

Entire Agreement

The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensee and the Licensor regarding the Licensee’s use of the Application and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous written or oral agreements between the Licensee and the Licensor.

The Licensee may be subject to additional terms and conditions that apply when the Licensee use or purchase other services from the Licensor, which the Licensor will provide to you at the time of such use or purchase.